Why Use Bar Soap for Washing Hands | Best Germ Protection Soap
Posted by Jimmy Gould on
PSA (Public Squatch Announcement) Washing your hands with soap and water (for at least 20 seconds) has consistently been proven to be the best preventative measure for avoiding illnesses caused by viruses such as the common cold (Rhinovirus), the flu (Influenza), and COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Everyone knows that you should wash your hands with soap, but most people don’t know exactly how soap works or what to use for the best germ protection soap. It’s time to get informed, people – so...

Why soap is preferable to bleach in the fight against coronavirus
Posted by Jimmy Gould on
FOR NEARLY 5,000 years, humans have concocted cleaning products, yet the simple combination of soap and water remains one of the strongest weapons against infectious diseases, including the novel coronavirus. Even so, when outbreaks like COVID-19 occur and panic sets in, people rush to buy all sorts of chemical cleaners, many of which are unnecessary or ineffective against viruses. Foam hand sanitizers are disappearing from store shelves, even though many lack the necessary amount of alcohol—at least 60 percent by volume—to...
- Tags: Science

School experiment shows students the effects of not washing their hands
Posted by Jimmy Gould on
Let this bread touched by a host of elementary school students show why washing your hands is so important, especially during flu season. A pair of elementary school educators knew their recent experiment with moldy bread had succeeded in teaching their students to regularly wash their hands with warm water and soap when it received a singular reaction. Ewwwwww! Gross! An elementary school experiment showed students the importance of washing their hands with soap and warm water to prevent the...
- Tags: Science

Does bar soap work better than liquid soap?
Posted by Jimmy Gould on
Pros and Cons of Liquid Soap As with bar soaps, there are also pros and cons to using liquid soaps. One strike against liquid soap is waste. With bar soaps, it's fairly easy to know when you have acquired enough on your washcloth or loofah to get the job done. Because liquid soaps usually come in pump-action or easy-to-squeeze bottles, overuse is common. Factor in the higher cost for liquid soaps, and you end up with a lot of waste...
- Tags: Science

Determining Compounds in Cleaning Products with Raman Mapping
Posted by Jimmy Gould on
Via Azo Materials In the soap industry, the preparation of the final product involves many chemical reactions. In these industries, a high control of reactions forms a key part of the quality control mission to guarantee the non-invasity of the end product on the human skin. There are various soaps that also contain additives as dyes or fragrances that should enhance the commercialized result. Yet, these additives could play a role in chemical reactions and their presence in the final...
- Tags: Science